Note: If your clinic is integrated with WebPT, the units field will auto-populate with information from the Daily Note.
Whatever is entered in the Units field on the session will go out as the number of units for that service line in Box 24G on the CMS-1500.
How do I know how many units to use?
This question is difficult to answer. Many CPT codes have a time associated with them. For example, the description for 90837 by the American Medical Association is "Psychotherapy with patient and family member - 60 minutes". On the session, you would indicate that you performed 1 unit of 90837, which means you performed 60 minutes of psychotherapy.
Some codes are not time-based at all and you would just enter 1 unit if you performed the procedure.
Where it gets super tricky...
Some payers have their own requirements for the number of units that they want billed. For example, one payer may require 1 unit for the 60-minute procedure, while another payer may require 4 units for the 60-minute procedure. You may need to call the insurance company for direction on the number of units to use.
The primary insurance wants 4 units, but the secondary wants 1 unit. What should I do?
If your client's insurances want different units for the same procedure, then you will need to remember to change the units prior to submitting to the secondary. Whenever you create a claim, the system pulls the current information listed on the session.
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