This report shows insurance payments and adjustments that you have posted within a specified date range. All payments are grouped by payer/insurance company and are then broken down by your choice of filters.
Navigating to the Report
To access this report, navigate to Reports > Snapshot Report > Insurance Payments by Code.
The Insurance Payments Report
This report gives you the ability to see the total payments received from each insurance company within a specified date range. In addition to the posted date range, you can decide how to break down the insurance payments. This is done using the Rows drop-down menu.
The available rows to break down the insurance payment report into, are as follows:
- Service/CPT Code: This is the service code associated with the session that the payment was applied to.
- Service/CPT Code w/ Modifier: This is the service code associated with the session that the payment was applied along with any modifiers. If you had a session with CPT code 90701 and another session with 90701.GP, they would appear as separate lines.
- Payment Class: The payment class that you assigned to the payment/adjustment when you entered the payment/adjustment into Therabill.
- Session Class: The session class that is currently assigned to the session that the payment/adjustment was applied to.
- Client: The client/patient associated with the session that the payment was applied to.
- Provider: The rendering provider associated with the session that the payment was applied to.
- Check Number: The check number that was entered with the payment/adjustment.
- Authorization: The authorization that was assigned to the session that the payment was applied to.
- Units: The current number of units assigned to the service line that the payment was applied to.
For each row, Therabill will show the following information:
- Service Count: The number of service lines for this payer that the payments/adjustments were applied to.
- Total Units: The total number of units assigned to the service lines that the payments/adjustments were applied to.
- Charges: A total of all charge amounts on the sessions that the payments/adjustments were applied to.
- Payments: The total of all payments posted within the specified date range.
- Adjustments: The total of all adjustments posted within the specified date range.
For each payer, the total of each column is also shown.
Printing the report
When you click the print icon you will be given the option to print as a PDF or Comma Separated Values (CSV). A CSV file can be opened in your using a spreadsheet application (i.e. Microsoft Excel).
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