Snapshot Reports is a centralized area where a variety of pre-made reports are made available for you. If you are wanting your own customized reporting, please see: Therabill Custom Reports Video or How to Create and Run Custom Reports.
How to get to Snapshot Reports
The snapshot reports can be accessed from your dashboard (the first page you see when you log in to Therabill). Click on Reports in the green navigation bar at the top of the screen, followed by Snapshot Reports in the sub menu that appears.
Navigating the Snapshot Reports
The Snapshot Reports contain a variety of pre-made reports. The reports are categorized into the below sections. Clicking on each link will take you to an article furthering detailing the reports within each category.
- Indicators
- Payments
- Balances/AR
- Billing
- Clients/Patients
- Referrals
- Productivity
- Administrative
- Transmissions
- Transmissions (Standalone/Non-integrated clinics)
- Credit Card
You can change which category of reports you are viewing using the drop down menu at the top right of the snapshot reports (red arrow). You will be brought to the first report within that category. Each report within the category is accessible through tabs at the top (blue arrow). Click on a tab to access a specific report within the report category that you are currently viewing.
Printing reports: Each report will have a printer icon at the top right. Click the printer icon to print the report. Some reports will give you the ability to print it out to a Comma Separated Values file. A comma separated values (CSV) file can be opened by spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.
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