Custom Productivity Array
IMPORTANT: Due to the nature of custom arrays, the array could get large and run off the side of the page. You may need to scroll to see the entire array.
PRINTING LIMITATION: Due to the nature of the variable size of this report, this report cannot be printed to PDF. It can be printed to a CSV file, which can then be opened in a spreadsheet application (Microsoft Excel).
This is a flexible report allowing you to create an array (table) for a given date range. You define the labels of the rows and the columns (i.e. Provider and Service Code/CPT). You then define what should be displayed inside the table (i.e. Visits, Charges, or Insurance Payments). Once the variables have been selected, clicking Go will generate the report.
Available rows and columns include:
- Service Code/CPT
- Session Class
- Primary Diagnosis (ICD-9 or ICD-10)
- Client
- Responsible Party
- Provider
- Facility
- Agency
- Authorization
- Last Insurance Billed
Available Values include:
- Units
- Session count
- Charges
- Insurance Pmts
- Client Pmts
- Agency Pmts
- Adjustments
- Total Payments (sum of Insurance Payments, Client Payments, and Agency Payments)
- Total Payments & Adjustments (sum of Ins Payments, Client Payments, Agency Payments, and Adjustments)
- Balance
- Charge per unit (Charges/Units)
- Charge per session (Charges/Session Count)
An example would be to use Primary Diagnosis (ICD-10) for Rows and Provider for Columns. By using Session Count as the Value, the array would show you the number of sessions/visits that a provider sees various diagnoses. This is a great way to find the most common diagnosis of your clients.
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