Patient Birth Date is invalid : it is after Transaction Creation Date.




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    IF I have already billed the client and gotten rejected because of invalid or incorrect DOB, then go back to edit Client to correct the DOB, there is still a problem with resubmitting.  The original incorrect DOB appears on the 1500.  Is there a solution for this?  I have not been able to correct the DOB on the actual 1500.  Seems to me the only way is to create a new session, then create a new 1500.  Am I missing something I should be doing?

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    Therabill Support Specialist

    Do not create a new session.  Creating a new session is creating a new charge for the patient.

    I am not really sure of all of the specifics of what you are doing.  Therefore, I will go through a few scenarios.

    First: Did you save the client after you edited the date of birth?  You must click the Save button for the changes to take place.

    Second: Are you re-creating the claim after you made the change?  Or, are you trying to go the filing cabinet and print out the original claim (with the wrong date of birth on it)?

    Whenever you need to make changes to a session, you can't just go to your filing cabinet and print out the claim.  The filing cabinet is a record of what was submitted.  You need to follow the "Resubmit Protocol".  Please see our instructional video on How to resubmit a claim

    If you are viewing this from the claim error page, then just click the Resubmit Electronically button at the top.  You may also want to watch the instructional video that would have been e-mailed to you when Therabill posted your claim error.  For your convenience, you can also view this by clicking here.

    It would probably also help you out a lot of you watched our Getting Started training videos.  You can access these recorded webinars by clicking the Recorded Webinars link at the top of your dashboard.  I would recommend starting with Getting Started Part 1 and then watching Getting Started Part 2.

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