If you received this error, the most likely culprit is that you have the relationship indicator set wrong on the insurance card in Therabill. Most likely, this payer only wants Self set as the relation to the patient on the insurance card.
How to fix
The relation to the patient is set on the insurance card in Therabill. You can access the edit insurance card from the edit client form in Therabill. If you are on the EDI rejection page, you can access the edit client form by clicking the edit icon next to the client name under the Edit Claim Information section on the EDI rejection page. You can also access the edit client form by clicking the edit icon associated with the client from your client list.
At the right of the edit client form, you will see a list of the insurance cards. Click the edit icon associated with the insurance card to open up the edit insurance card form. At the top left of the edit insurance card form, in the row labeled Relation make sure you choose Self. Now, click the Apply Edits button at the bottom of the edit insurance card and then (IMPORTANT) click the Save button at the bottom of the edit client form.
Resubmitting the claim
The easiest way to resubmit is from the EDI error page. You can get to the error page from your dashboard. At the top of the EDI error page, click the Resubmit Electronically button. The claim will now go out with the updated information.
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