This is a peculiar error. If you received this as an error, this indicates that the message the payer sent back was that they indicated it as a rejection. However, it appears that they did send the claim in to adjudication. This is indicated by the fact that they are telling you to see remittance advice. The remittance advice is essentially the Explanation of Benefits. Therefore, what they are saying is that they rejected the claim and you should look for the rejection on the ERA (Electronic Remittance Advice) or EOB (Explanation of Benefits) that you will receive from them.
What does Therabill recommend?
Keep the claim in your Electronic Claim Errors box until you receive the EOB / ERA. From the ERA/EOB; when you know why they rejected the claim, you can then make any needed changes to the information in Therabill. After you have made those needed changes, you can then go to the EDI rejection page in Therabill and resubmit the claims.
If you would like to have the error message go away, instead of waiting until the EOB/ERA comes back, you can click the Ignore Errors button at the top of the EDI Rejection page in Therabill. If you do it this way, then when the ERA/EOB comes back, instead of going to the EDI rejection page to resubmit the claim, you would follow the normal resubmit a claim to insurance process in Therabill.
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