We have created a session class that we use to mark sessions as cancelled or as no show. We are also using client reminders to send e-mail and text message reminders to our clients. Our clients are still receiving reminders for these sessions that have been cancelled. Is there a way to stop sending reminders on our cancelled sessions?
Yes, you can specify that the sessions that are assigned to specific session classes should not have reminders sent out. Here is how...
1.) Click Schedule in the top navigation bar.
2.) Click Classes in the sub-navigation bar.
3.) You will now be viewing your session classes. Click the edit icon next to the session class that you do not want reminders sent out on.
4.) The edit form will appear. On the left, put a check next to No Reminder.
5.) Click the Save button at the right.
That is all you have to do. Now, any session that is assigned to that session class will not have a reminder (e-mail or text message) sent out to the client or to the provider.
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