How do you cancel a session in Therabill
The best way to cancel a session in Therabill is by using session classes. Session classes is a tool in Therabill that allows you to create any "code" you want. This allows you to classify sessions in any way you want. It is really quite powerful. When creating a session class, you can indicate that any session assigned to that session class should be considered a cancelled session. The best way to see this is through our instructional video on session classes. This video is hosted on YouTube here: Cancel Sessions in Therabill using Session Classes. We will give a quick overview of how to do it below.
How to create a session class for cancelled sessions.
- Click Schedule in the top green navigation bar of Therabill.
- Click Classes in the sub-navigation bar.
- Cancelled/No Show: Check this box to let Therabill know that it should treat any session that you assign to this session class as a cancelled session.
- Include on payroll: Check this box to let Therabill know that this session should still appear on the payroll for the provider. See Creating Provider Pay Stubs in Therabill.
- Ins Not Billable: This should usually be checked if you are creating a cancelled type session class. Checking this box will cause Therabill to remove sessions assigned to this session class from the insurance invoicing area.
- Client Not Billable: If you put a check next to this option, then Therabill will not display the sessions assigned to this session class on your client statements (the recommended method for billing your patient).
- Agency Not Billable: If you put a check next to this option, then Therabill will not bill to the billing agency for this session, if you are using that feature.
- Don't send reminder: If you are using patient reminders in Therabill, then checking this option will tell Therabill to not send out a patient reminder to the sessions assigned to this session class.
Do I need to confirm a cancelled session?
Yes. Confirming a session is equivalent to 'posting' it to your A/R. A session that is not confirmed is not yet posted. Therefore, if there is any charge associated with a session (cancelled or not), it must be confirmed prior to it being available for billing (i.e. on the client statement). In general, all sessions should either be confirmed or deleted.
Why use Session Classes? Why not just have a checkbox to indicate cancelled sessions?
Handling cancelled sessions using session classes is a lot more powerful and gives you a lot more flexibility in how to handle certain types of cancelled sessions. For example, you can create multiple session classes for different types of cancelled sessions and assign different parameters to them. For example, you can create a session class for sessions that were cancelled with less than a 24 hour notice and have those billable to the patient and at the same time create a session class for sessions cancelled with more than a 24 hour notice and have those not billable to the client. You can create session classes for No Show, Cancelled by Provider.. etc. Using session classes gives you the flexibility and power to track your cancelled sessions the way you want to track them.
Session classes on reports.
Most schedule type reports in Therabill will list the session class along with the session. A lot of reports allow you to filter the report by session class or group the report by session class. This gives you nice reporting capabilities for your cancelled sessions. Some stock reports also use session classes (i.e. the productivity report) to know when a session should be considered cancelled (the session class must be marked as Cancelled / No show in its parameters, described above).
1 comment
This does not address how to cancel a session. It addresses how to delete a session, which is very different.
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