Note: If you are integrated with WebPT, you will want to make sure that you complete an addendum for any session that is deleted.
A session should only be deleted if it was entered in error. For example, if a session was entered into the system twice, you would want to remove one. For other instances, such as a patient fails to appear for an appointment, it is recommended that you mark them as canceled. This allows for better tracking and reporting. In order to cancel a session, you must be using session classes. For more information, please see: Session Class.
How to Delete/Cancel a Session
There are four areas of the application where you can delete or cancel a session: the dashboard, the calendar, search sessions, and confirm schedule. When you select the icon on one of those screens, you will see 2 options, assuming that the session does not meet the exclusion criteria listed at the bottom of this article:
- Permanently Delete - Selecting this will completely remove the session from the system.
- Apply Cancellation - To select this option, you must first select a session class. This will keep the session and any associated payments and adjustments.
- When on your dashboard, or home page, use the calendar on the left and select the date for the session you wish to delete or cancel. This will cause all sessions on that date to appear in the center area.
- Locate the session and select the
icon. A new window will appear.
- Select the desired option: Permanently Delete or Apply Cancellation.
Search Sessions
- Navigate to Schedule > Search Sessions.
- Locate the session using any filters, if needed, and select the
icon. A new window will appear.
- If the icon is not available, the session is unable to be deleted. You will have to edit the session if you want to cancel the session with a session class.
- Select the desired option: Permanently Delete or Apply Cancellation.
Confirm Schedule
- Navigate to Billing > Confirm Schedule.
- Locate the session using any filter, if needed, and select the
icon. A new window will appear.
- Select the desired option: Permanently Delete or Apply Cancellation.
Schedule Calendar
- Navigate to Schedule > Calendar.
- Select the corresponding date and session and then click the
icon. A new window will appear.
- If the icon is not available, the session is unable to be deleted. You will have to edit the session if you want to cancel the session with a session class.
- Select the desired option: Permanently Delete or Apply Cancellation.
Why can't I delete certain sessions?
- Billed to Insurance - Any session that has ever been billed to an insurance can't be deleted. However, if you want to remove specific charges from a session, you can do so using the Single Session payment entry form.
- Payments/Adjustments Posted - In this instance, you can delete the session by removing the payments and adjustments as long as the session has not been billed to insurance and does not contain a finalized note.
- Finalized Note (Standalone Only) - If there is a finalized documentation related to the session, you will be unable to delete the session.
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