The history of a session will show you when it was entered into the application, billed to insurance(s), had payments/adjustments posted, provide a link to associated ERAs, and even what remark codes were manually applied.
To view a session's history:
- Navigate to Schedule > Search Sessions.
- Locate the session using filters, if needed.
- Edit the session using the corresponding
- The Session History box will display on the right-hand side of the window.
Note: If the session has multiple service codes, you can use the Service drop-down to view the individual history of each code.
Types of Entries
- Initial - The first entry will always list the date the code was added to the session, the charge amount of the code, and who it was set to be billed to (i.e. Insurance, Client, Agency).
- Invoice - These entries will list the date the service code was invoiced and the name of the payer or agency.
- Payment/Adjustment - Displays information about payments and adjustments posted to the specific service code. For more information, see below.
Payment/Adjustment Entry
- Dates - Two different dates will be displayed. The date in bold font is the Post Date, which is also known as the Received Date. The Entered Date will be shown in parentheses and will also show the actual date the payment/adjustment was entered into the application.
- Dollar Amount - Dollar amounts can appear in three different colors:
- Black - Increase the amount due by this amount. This is generated by entering insurance refunds or reversals.
- Red - Decrease the amount due by this amount. Insurance and client payments will generate these entries.
- Gray - Amount does not affect the amount due. These entries can be created when you indicate a patient responsibility as determined by an insurance.
- Additional Info (Line 1) - Displays the type of payment, such as Insurance Payment, Adjustment, or Client Pmt.
- Additional Info (Line 2) - Displays the action taken with the payment. This can include, but is not limited to:
- Sent session back to insurance invoice area
- Closed session to insurance
- Kept current session status
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