This report displays the balances due on every session. This can be used to see details of your Accounts Receivable on a charge-by-charge basis. If you find a discrepancy in your Accounts Receivable (i.e. your total accounts receivable does not equal what you think it should), then you might use this report to see what session(s) may be causing the discrepancy.
Note: If you believe a session is missing in Therabill, this report can be compared to WebPT's Billing Report to find any discrepancy.
Navigating to the Session Balance Report
To access this report, navigate to Reports > Snapshot Reports > Session Balance Breakdown.
The Session Balance Report
For each session, it displays the Date of Service (DOS), the Session Class (if entered), the Service/CPT Code, and the Client. Each line also shows the Facility, Charge, Insurance/Agency Payments, Client Payments, Adjustments, and Remaining Balance. The balance due for each session is the charge minus the payments and adjustments. The current status of the session is also shown. The current status can take on the following values:
- Canceled: The session was marked as a canceled session. You must be using session classes to cancel your sessions.
- Unconfirmed: This session has been entered into your schedule, but you or the therapist has not yet confirmed that it occurred. Unconfirmed session charges are not included in your Accounts Receivable, but they are reported here.
- Confirmed: The session has been confirmed by you or the therapist that it took place. It is now sitting in Billing > Bill Insurance, waiting to be billed to an insurance company. All sessions flow over from WebPT as confirmed.
- Ins Open: The session is currently open to an insurance company. That is, the session has been billed out to an insurance company and is currently awaiting payment.
- Closed/Patient Due: The session is closed. The patient owes the balance due on the session.
- Zero Balance: The balance due on the session is zero.
Search Filters
There are a variety of search filters that allow you to narrow down the sessions that you looking at. The filters supplied are as follows.
- Date Range: Can enter up to two dates; the first date is the begin date and the second date is the end date. Only sessions that have a DOS/posting in that range will be displayed.
- Client Name: If you only want to see the sessions for a single client/patient, start typing the client name in the text box. When you see the client in the drop-down menu, click on the name.
- Provider Name: If you only want to see the sessions for a single provider, then start typing the provider name in the text box. When you see the provider in the drop-down menu, click on the name.
- Service Code: Start typing the service code/CPT code in the text box and Therabill will automatically start filtering the report. You can view multiple service codes by separating the text you type in the service code text box with a space (for example, '90 97' will display all service codes that start with either 90 or 97).
- Session Class: Start typing the session class name in the text box and Therabill will automatically start filtering the report to only show sessions that have a session class that meets your search criteria. You can view multiple session classes by separating the text you type in the session class text box with a space.
- Show: There are various checkboxes that allow you to only show sessions with a specific status (see status list above). Uncheck the checkbox for a specific status to hide those sessions from the report output.
- Charge/Expected: The report will either display charge amounts or expected rates depending on your selection. For more information, please see: Expected Rates
- Facility: You can also filter by a specific facility using this drop-down.
Grouping the Report
The report allows you to group the sessions based on a chosen parameter. Choose an option from the Group Sessions By drop-down menu. The various parameters you can group by include DOS, Billed To, Provider, Client, Responsible Party, Billed Date, Service Code, Session Class, and Facility.
Printing the Report
When you click the print icon you will be given the option to print as a PDF or Comma Separated Values (CSV). A CSV file can be opened in your using a spreadsheet application (i.e. Microsoft Excel).
Note: Any search filters selected will be included in the PDF/CSV.
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