Looking to find out what's new with the Therabill? You're in the right place! This page will keep you informed about our system enhancements. Please be advised that while we make every effort to ensure updates are released at the scheduled date, we occasionally experience unforeseen circumstances that may cause a delay. Don't worry, though—we'll continue to regularly update this page and provide ample communication for any changes.
January 8, 2025 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- Previously, the Batch Statement List was not always using values from Settings. This has been corrected.
December 12, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Added 2025 CPT Codes
- Effective January 1, 2025, the following CPT codes will be added or updated:98975, 98976, 98977, 98978, 98968, 98967, 98966, 98962, 98961, 98960, 97814, 97811, 96041
- The following CPT codes will no longer be available after December 31, 2024:96040, 96003, 99441, 99442, 99443
Please review your documentation to ensure compliance with these changes.
Performance Improvements
- On the Custom Schedule Report, the Last Insurance Billed was not displayed when the last insurance billed was a crossover, or any variation of a secondary. This has been corrected.
- An update was made to ensure that negative Adjustments are included on the EDI file.
- On the Referring Provider page, an error incorrectly flagged some entries as 'Invalid NPI' in certain cases. This has been corrected.
- Some issues were reported on the Claims Submissions page when the Claim Submit Date was removed (left blank). After researching, we found that this field should never be left blank. Instead, we are defaulting this date to 90 days back from today, while the Thru Date will continue to default to Today. These dates can be changed, but keep in mind that the larger the date range, the longer it will take to return the results. To ensure the best experience, please enter the smallest date range needed.
- On The COB Batch Ins page, clicking Reset Payment Info will remove all of the data entered at the Payment Info level. To reset the session information, Reset Session Info must be clicked. These two "reset" fields work independently.
November 21, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
Previously, if a client had multiple insurance cards, it caused the Other Tools section to be partially covered. This has been corrected.
The Quick Note is no longer removed from the session when adding bundled billing codes to an existing session.
When adding a session to the Calendar using the Quick Add option, pressing the Add Session button multiple times would cause duplicate sessions to be created. Modifications have been made to this process so that now only one session will be created.
In some cases, the balance forward on the Ledger Statement was rounding up to the next dollar. This has been corrected, and the balance forward now shows the exact amount.
The description for Diagnosis Codes was not always displaying when the full Diagnosis Code was entered. This has been corrected.
Some members were receiving an error message when posting Client Payments through a single session. This has been resolved.
Decimal values were not displaying in the Batch Ledger Statement. This has been corrected, and now values will show both dollars and cents.
November 7, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Refunds Shown as Negative Amounts in PDF History
In the Recent History section of the Piggy Bank, printed PDFs now display refunds as negative amounts, making them easier to differentiate from other transactions.
Performance Improvements
- Previously, if a session had multiple payments or adjustments, at times not all of them showed up on the Client Ledger Statement. This issue has been corrected.
- The authorization counting has been modified to only count the visit once, regardless of how many times it is sent back to the Insurance Invoicing area.
- Client Statements were not always displaying the correct amount of minutes when the Session Length Units were set to Minutes. This has been corrected.
October 17, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Updated Place of Service Codes
To align with EMR, all Place of Service Codes shown here, provided by CMS, are now available in Therabill.
Performance Improvements
Previously, authenticating a Simple Note in the Provider Portal required an exact, case-sensitive match for the Signature Code, while finalizing documentation did not. This issue has been corrected, and both processes now require the Signature Code to match exactly, including case sensitivity (i.e., Password will not match to PASSWORD).
- When running a Custom Schedule Report using diagnosis codes, sessions previously displayed the ICD-10 codes from the first diagnosis case instead of the session-specific codes. This issue has been resolved, and the correct codes will now display on each line.
- An issue affecting the backing-up of documentation has been resolved.
September 24, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
Previously, when there were a large number of lines to write off on the Account Balance Write-Off screen, the process would fail to complete and the entire amount would not be written off. This issue has been resolved. However, we will continue to monitor the performance of this page and plan to implement further improvements in the future.
The Totals line was previously not always visible on the Session Balance Breakdown report. This issue has been corrected.
It was previously reported that not all free text message were being received by the client. This has been resolved.
When clients chose to cancel appointments via Email Reminder, some members were not receiving the email notification. This has been corrected, and those notifications should now be received.
September 5, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- Previously, entries on the Things to Do dashboard containing long URLs could not be displayed. Things to Do has now been updated to allow long URLs and long strings of text to display without issue.
- When the "Claims Level PWK" setting is enabled for an insurance payer, and the paperwork submission method is set to "AA" (available on request), the PWK segment was previously missing from the EDI file. This issue has now been corrected.
August 22, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- The Agency Statement has been updated to accurately reflect the correct number of minutes based on the minute field of each individual CPT code, rather than displaying the overall session length.
- Some members noticed that when navigating from the Schedule to the Calendar, the default date was incorrectly displaying as February 2013. This issue has now been resolved.
When the Session Class of a session is updated, the Session status will now automatically adjust to match the new Session Class.
The Statement Balances snapshot report was previously not accounting for the "Group charges by status (pending/finalized)" setting. This issue has been corrected.
We resolved an issue causing the Claim Submission Date under Filing > CMS-1500 to be updated incorrectly. This date will now always reflect the date that the claim was created.
Previously, when clicking on Batch under Billing > Bill Client > Ledger Statement, the Ledger Statement was not loading. This has been resolved, and statements are now loading correctly.
When the same CPT code is added twice to a visit, once with a modifier and once without, the documentation wasn't always reflecting the correct description. This has been corrected.
August 8, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Automatic Authorization Reversion for Cancelled Electronic Claims
When an electronic claim is canceled, any associated authorization will now automatically have its count reverted to better ensure accurate authorization tracking.
Performance Improvements
- At times when submitting claims to insurance, an erroring stating " No ICD-9 diagnosis codes are given for this patient" was erroneously displayed. The issue has been corrected, and this error will no longer be displayed.
- Previously, we received reports that PDF files were sometimes slow to generate when running a batch of client statements. We've implemented improvements to enhance performance, and members should now experience faster processing times.
July 18, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Simplified Requirements for Adding Clients with Matching Names
Previously, adding a new client with the same First Name and Last Name as an existing client required members to enter a unique identifier in order to save. Now, entering a Date of Birth allows you to save the new client, even if a warning appears due to matching information. Adding a unique identifier remains optional.
Improved Insurance Invoicing Client List Performance
We are working to improve the performance of the Insurance Invoicing Client List. Additional information will be presented as we continue to make updates.
Performance Improvements
- The auto-save feature on the COB Batch Insurance page has been repaired. Data will now be saved when navigating to the client's information from this page.
- Previously, the alert for Unacknowledged Claims under Things To Do was not populating. This issue has been resolved, and this alert now populates correctly.
- An issue preventing members from opening claim previews has been resolved. Members can now preview claims successfully.
- Corrections have been made to the CSV Upload Client List. Members can now successfully import clients using this feature.
- Previously, home-based claims were being rejected due to formatting issues. These issues have been resolved, and home-based claims will no longer be rejected.
June 20, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- Updates were made so that special characters will no longer cause a Therabill Attachment not to download.
- The Unacknowledged Claims Alert will only display claims that were submitted more than 5 days ago, that have still not been acknowledged by the payer and/or clearinghouse. Previously when opening this alert, no claims were listed. This has been corrected.
- Previously, it was reported that ICD-10 Codes were sometimes missing from claim files. This has been corrected.
June 11, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- Claims for home-based sessions will now show the full nine digit zip code in box 32 of the CMS 1500 form.
- Previously, when navigating to Schedule > Calendar and choosing to Color By "Client Identifier" the page would become unresponsive. To correct this issue, this page will now only display information for the period on the calendar.
- Previously, when a card was run via "contactless" entry, the receipt could not be emailed. We have corrected the issue so that you now have the ability to create and email receipts for credit card payments.
- On the Credit Card report, refunded amounts now show as negative and will be subtracted when calculating the Total.
- Home-based sessions submitted to Medicare will no longer be rejected due to an incorrect service facility qualifier. The correct value will now be on the claim, which will stop the rejection.
- Previously, when the 'Without a check/auth number' filter was selected on the Payments > Search Payments page, results still showed payments with authorization numbers. This issue has been resolved.
- Users are now able to view the PDF Payment receipt from the Piggy Bank page.
- Previously, some members received rejections when submitting to secondary payers that require carrier codes due to the line count being inaccurate. This issue has been corrected.
- Previously, the "To" field was greyed out and the email address did not populate when selecting multiple documents to email to a client. We have corrected the issue so that you are once again able to email multiple documents to a client.
- Some members were experiencing an issue causing their Logo colors to be inverted on their client statements and payments. This has been corrected.
- When viewing the Activity Log report, when a search returns no records the resulting message has been changed from "No payments within date range" to "No results found".
- After applying payments on the Batch Ins page, the payment information at the top of the page was not being cleared correctly. This issue has been resolved.
June 4, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Added Assigned Date to Search Criteria for Custom Payment Reports
A new date range for Assigned Date has been added to the search criteria on the Reports > Custom Report page, allowing you to search by Assigned Date.
Performance Improvements
- When editing an insurance payment from a Print and Mail payer, the insurance name is no longer removed.
- When submitting claims or finalizing notes late in the date, the timestamp sometimes reported the date of the following day. We have tightened this up, and the timestamp will now reflect the date that the transaction took place, in local time.
- Previously, some members with MUM accounts were charged for accounts that were no longer active. This
- Previously, it was reported that unassigned client payments posted from an ERA did not display an Assigned Date. Now, all unassigned payments will reflect an Assigned Date once they are posted to a session.
- Primary insurance authorization was previously listed in error on claims submitted to a secondary insurance for clients that had both a primary and secondary authorization. The correct authorization will now be listed on claims submitted to each respective plan.
- Updates have been made to the Client List to ensure that clients display correctly.
- Previously, certain members reported an issue where updates made to client goals were not being saved. This issue has been resolved, and all changes to client goals should now be retained successfully.
- For some members, it was reported that when navigating to the Filing tab within the client chart, that no sessions were showing. This has been corrected and the sessions are now showing under Filing > Documentation.
- For claims with Medicaid of Arkansas, the DK qualifier will now be included on the claims for Ordering Physician, so those claims should no longer reject.
April 18, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- Previously, long clinic names or addresses, or long patient names or addresses would sometimes overwrite the Credit Card box on client invoices and statement. This has been corrected, and all names and addresses will now be displayed without overwriting other information.
- Previously, balances were not matching when comparing the ledger statement to the client's balance statement. This has been resolved, and balances shown in these two statements now align.
- Additional updates have been made to prevent the duplication of claim rejections.
- Previously, the dashboard's schedule was displaying charge amounts with large decimal values in error for some members. This has been corrected.
- Previously, when using the Color By option in the Availability View calendar, the calendar would become blank. This has been resolved.
- Previously, when a new message was sent via the Message Center, some members were not receiving an email notification. This has been corrected.
- Previously, an issue was preventing some Schedule back-ups from being created. This has been resolved, and back-ups are now being created successfully.
- Previously, when working HL7 errors, some members reported that the HL7 error ID number would change when they added a missing provider, but it was not reprocessing. This has been corrected.
- Previously, the count shown for unread messages in the message center was not always correct. This has been resolved, and the unread message count now shows the correct number.
March 26, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- We have made some updates to the process that allows backups to be generated. This include at least Payments, Schedules and Documentation. When generating backups, please be sure not to request too many backups all at one time. We will be looking to make additional improvements in this area in the future.
- When viewing the message center in Therabill, the count shown for unread messages is incorrect. This has been corrected.
- When a new message was sent via the Message Center, some members were not receiving an email notification. This has been corrected.
- We have corrected the issue where the dropdown list was not populating when searching for a client's name in the Balance Statement screen.
- The following CPT Codes have been added and will be available starting 1/1/2024: 97550, 97551, 97552, 97037, 0552T.
March 19, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- Some issues have been reported that the Calendar View goes blank when coloring by status. While each report was slightly different, we were able to correct the issue.
- Some members were experiencing issues where changes made to client charts were not being saved. This issue has been corrected.
- When searching for clients on the Insurance Invoicing page, we previously set the default Date Range to 30 days, but based on requests from our members, we are modifying the date range to have a default of the last 90 days instead.
March 13, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- Previously, there were some sessions not showing on the Filing tab of the client's chart. This has since been corrected.
- We previously had some issues with the remapping of Insurance Cards in bulk. These issues have been corrected, and this process should work as expected.
- When creating Agency Invoices, the resulting PDFs did not contain the individual charges for the invoice. This has been corrected, and all charges are now displaying.
- Previously, there was an issue where some Members did not have their monthly invoices generated. This has since been corrected and past invoices have been generated. Note: This is only for Members that are invoiced for the software directly out of Therabill.
- Previously, there was an issue where Documentation PDFs were not opening. This has since been corrected.
March 5, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
- Some issues have been reported that the Calendar View goes blank when coloring by status. While each report was slightly different, we were able to correct the issue.
- Some members were experiencing issues where changes made to client charts were not being saved. This issue has been corrected.
- When searching for clients on the Insurance Invoicing page, we previously set the default Date Range to 30 days, but based on requests from our members, we are modifying the date range to have a default of the last 90 days instead.
February 27, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Performance Improvements
At times when running the Custom reports the layouts would not generate the report. This issue has been corrected.
February 22, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Updated Date of Service Range Default
When searching for clients on the Insurance Invoicing page, we will now default the Date of Service Range to the last month. This will alleviate the issue where the page was timing out. If you would prefer a different date range, once your output displays, you can do additional searches with different ranges. Be aware that you might have clients outside of that initial date range, and might need to go back farther than one month.
January 18, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Carrier Codes Now Available
In order to bill Medicaid as Secondary, some states require that a Carrier Code be included on the claim. We previously sent out Release Notes asking that you start entering these Carrier Codes prior to the new update being released. The code is now available, and will check to ensure that a Carrier Code is present on any Insurance that requires it. Click here to learn more.
January 11, 2024 at 3:00PM PT
Added New Fields
On the client's chart, new fields are available to indicate a client's Preferred Name, Gender Identity, and Pronouns. These fields are also available as items for Custom Client reports. Additionally, the Gender field has been renamed to Sex.
Note for Integrated Members: These new fields do not get populated from the WebPT EMR at this time.
Added Carrier Codes
Carrier Codes can now be entered on the Billing > Insurance List > Info & Settings page. This is needed to electronically bill Medicaid as a secondary payer in several states. Please start entering any necessary Carrier Codes now, as this will ensure that your claims process smoothly when our process is updated in the near future. States affected are: Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont. Click here to learn more.
Defect Corrected
Previously, there were two issues when assigning unassigned client payments via ERAs. The first issue was when assigning client payments, the amount being assigned was getting added as a new client payment instead of pulling from unassigned. The second issue was when assigning client payments, the amount being assigned was being pulled twice from unassigned. Both issues have been corrected.
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