This article dives into the specifics of Loop 2000A and assumes that you know how to read an EDI (837) file. If you are looking for a general outline of an EDI and how to read the basic structure, please see: How to read an EDI (837) File - Overview.
We will be using the following sample EDI file to break down this loop.
Loop 2000A - Billing/Pay-To Provider
Segment PRV - Provider Information (Not always present)
Example: PRV*BI*PXC*193200000X~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to BI for Billing
- Element 02 = Identification Qualifier Code
- PXC = Taxonomy
- Element 03 = Identification Code (193200000X) Box 33b
Loop 2010AA - Billing Provider (BP) Name
Segment NM1 - Name
Example: NM1*85*2*WEBPTTHERABILL CLINIC*****XX*1952465171~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to 85 for Billing Provider
- Element 02 = Entity Type (2)
- 1 = Individual
- 2 = Organization
- Element 03 = Last Name or Organization Name (WebPT/Therabill Clinic) Box 33
- Element 04 = First Name Box 33
- Element 05 = Middle Name/Initial Box 33
- Element 07 = Suffix Box 33
- Element 08 = Identification Code Qualifier (XX)
- XX = NPI
- Element 09 = Identification Code (1952465171) Box 33a
Segment N3 - Street Address
Example: N3*123 STREET~
Segment N4 - City, State, and ZIP
Example: N4*PHOENIX*AZ*850044461~
- Element 01 = City (Phoenix) Box 33
- Element 02 = State (Arizona) Box 33
- Element 03 = ZIP code (850044461) Box 33
Segment REF - Reference
Example: REF*EI*365421684~
- Element 01 = Identification Code Qualifier Box 25 (can override Box 33b)
- EI = Tax ID (EIN)
- SY = Social Security Number
- G2 = Commercial Number
- Element 02 = Identification Code (365421684) Box 25 (can override Box 33b)
Note: If a Box 33b Edit is being used, the REF segment will populate just before Loop 2300.
Segment PER - Contact
Example: PER*IC*DAN JENKINS*TE*3149628020~
- Element 01 = Contact Code Qualifier (IC)
- IC = Information Contact
- Element 02 = Contact Name (Dan Jenkins)
- Element 03 = Information Code Qualifier (TE)
- TE = Telephone Number
- EX = Extension
- Element 04 = Information Code (3149628020) Box 33
Loop 2010AB - Pay-To Provider (PTP) Name
Note: This loop is only present if the information is different than Loop 2010AA.
Segment NM1 - Name
Example: NM1*87*2~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to 87 for Pay-To Provider
- Element 02 = Entity Type (2)
- 1 = Individual
- 2 = Organization
Segment N3 - Street Address
Example: N3*999 E HAPPY LANE~
- Element 01 = Street Address (999 E Happy Lane)
- Element 02 = Street Address 2
Segment N4 - City, State, and ZIP
Example: N4*GILBERT*AZ*85234~
- Element 01 = City (Gilbert)
- Element 02 = State (Arizona)
- Element 03 = ZIP code (850044461)
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