This article dives into the specifics of Loop 2300 and assumes that you know how to read an EDI (837) file. If you are looking for a general outline of an EDI and how to read the basic structure, please see: How to read an EDI (837) File - Overview.
We will be using the following sample EDI file to break down this loop.
Loops 2300 - Claim Information
Segment CLM - Claim
Example: CLM*18434718T0*150.00***11:B:1*Y*A*Y*Y~
- Element 01 = Claim Identifier (18434718T0) Box 26 (On EDI claims only)
- Unique number used for ERA matching
- Element 02 = Claim Amount ($150) Box 28
- Element 05-1 = Place of Service (11) Box 24b
- 02 = Telehealth
- 03 = School
- 04 = Homeless Shelter
- 09 = Prison/Correctional Facility
- 11 = Office
- 12 = Home
- 13 = Assisted Living Facility
- 14 = Group Home
- 15 = Mobile Unit
- 16 = Temporary Lodging
- 21 = Hopital
- 22 = Outpatient Hospital
- 26 = Military Treatment Facility
- 31 = Skilled Nursing Facility
- 32 = Nursing Facility
- 34 = Hospice
- 49 = Independent Clinic
- 53 = Community Mental Health Center
- 62 = Outpatient Rehab
- 99 = Other Setting
- Element 05-2 = Hardcoded to B for Professional Claim
- Element 05-3 = Claim Frequency Type Code (1) Box 22 Resubmission Code
- Element 06 = Provider Signature Indicator (Y) Box 31
- Element 07 = Provider Accept Assignment (A) Box 27
- A = Assigned
- C = Not Assigned
- Element 08 = Provider Benefits Assignment Certification (Y) Box 13
- Y = Valid Signature on File
- N = No Valid Signature on File
- Element 09 = Release of Information Code (Y) Box 12
- Y = Valid Signature on File
- I = Signature Not Required
- Element 10 = Client Signature Source Code
- Element 11-(1-3) = Related Cause Code Box 10abc
- EM = Employment
- AA = Auto Accident
- OA = Other Accident
- Element 11-4 = Auto Accident State Code Box 10b
- Element 12 = Special Program Code
- Element 20 = Delay Reason Code
Segment DTP - Date
Example: DTP*431*D8*20170720~
- Element 01 = Date Qualifier (431)
- 096 = Discharge/Hospitalized To Box 18 To (Element 03)
- 296 = Disability/Unable to Work To Box 16 To (Element 03)
- 297 = Disability/Unable to Work From Box 16 From (Element 03)
- 304 = Last Seen Box 15 Qual (Element 03)
- 431 = Onset of Current Illness/First Symptoms Box 14 Qual (Element 03)
- 435 = Admission/Hospitalized From Box 18 From (Element 03)
- 439 = Accident Box 15 Qual (Element 03)
- 454 = Initial Treatment Box 15 Qual (Element 03)
- Element 02 = Format - Hardcoded to D8
- Element 03 = Date YYYYMMDD (2017/07/20)
Segment PWK (Workers Comp and Auto)
Example: PWK*07*EL***AC*TBCLAIMID68~
- Element 01 = Supplemental Information Code (07)
- 04 = Drugs Administered
- 05 = Treatment Diagnosis
- 06 = Initial Assessment
- 07 = Functional Goals
- 08 = Plan of Treatment
- 09 = Progress Report
- 10 = Continued Treatment
- 11 = Chemical Analysis
- 13 = Certified Test Report
- 15 = Justification For Admission
- Element 02 = Transmission Code (EL)
- AA = Available On Request
- BM = By Mail
- EL = Electronic
- EM = Email
- FX = By Fax
- FT = File Transfer
- Element 05 = Hardcoded to AC (if 02 is BM, EL, EM, FX, or FT)
- AC = Attachment Control Number Identifier
- Element 06 = Attachment Control Number (TBCLAIMID68)
- This populates the Submission ID from the CMS-1500 Filing
Segment REF - Identifier
Example: REF*G1*12345~
- Element 01 = Identifier Code Qualifier (G1)
- G1 = Authorization Number Box 23 (Element 02)
- F8 = Control Number Box 22 Original Ref. No. (Element 02)
- 9F = Referral Number/Medicaid Montana Passport Box 17a (Element 02)
- Element 02 = Identifier Code (12345)
Segment AMT - Amount
Example: AMT*F5*15.00~
- Element 01 = Qualifier Code - Hardcoded to F5 for Patient Amount Paid
- Element 02 = Monetary Amount ($15) Box 29
Segment NTE - Note
Example: NTE*ADD*N5455845~
- Element 01 = Reference Code (Add)
- Element 02 = Note Text (N5455845) Box 19
Segment HI - Diagnosis Codes
Example: HI*ABK:M24532*ABF:M21332~
- Element (01-12) = Diagnosis Code
- Sub-Element 1 = Diagnosis Code Qualifier (ABK or ABF)
- ABK = Principal Diagnosis
- ABF = Other Diagnosis
- Sub-Element 2 = Diagnosis Code (M24532 and M21332) Box 21
- Sub-Element 1 = Diagnosis Code Qualifier (ABK or ABF)
Loop 2310A - Referring Provider
Segment NM1 - Name
Example: NM1*DN*1*HENSON*JIM****XX*9999999995~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to DN for Referring Provider Box 17
- Element 02 = Hardcoded to 1 for Individual
- Element 03 = Last Name (Henson) Box 17
- Element 04 = First Name (Jim) Box 17
- Element 05 = Middle Name/Initial Box 17
- Element 07 = Suffix Box 17
- Element 08 = Identifier Code Qualifier - Hardcoded to XX for NPI
- Element 09 = Identifier Code (9999999995) Box 17b
Segment REF - Reference (Not always present)
Example: REF*0B*A485422~
- Element 01 = Identifier Code Qualifier (0B) Box 17a
- 0B = State License Number
- G2 = Commercial Number
- Element 02 = Identifier Code (A485422) Box 17a
Loop 2310B - Rendering Provider
Segment NM1 - Name
Example: NM1*82*1*SMITH*TERESA****XX*5595436374~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to 82 for Rendering Provider
- Element 02 = Hardcoded to 1 for Individual
- Element 03 = Last Name (Smith)
- Element 04 = First Name (Teresa)
- Element 05 = Middle Name/Initial
- Element 07 = Suffix
- Element 08 = Identifier Code Qualifier - Hardcoded to XX for NPI
- Element 09 = Identifier Code (5595436374) Box 24j
Segment PRV - Provider
Example: PRV*PE*PXC*225100000X~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to PE for Performing
- Element 02 = Hardcoded to PXC for Provider Taxonomy Code
- Element 03 = Identifier Code/Taxonomy (225100000X)
Segment REF - Reference
Example: REF*G2*998855~
- Element 01 = Secondary Indentification Reference ID Qualifier (G2) Box 24i
- G2 = Commercial Number
- 0B = State License Number
- 1G = Provider UPIN Number
- Element 02 = Secondary Indentification Reference ID (998855) Box 24j Shaded
Loops 2310C - Service Facility Location
Segment NM1 - Name
Example: NM1*77*2*MY HOME CLINIC*****XX*9999999995~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to 77 for Service Location
- Element 02 = Hardcoded to 2 for Non-Person Entity
- Element 03 = Service Facility Name (My Home Clinic) Box 32
- Element 08 = Identifier Code Qualifier - Hardcoded to XX for NPI
- Element 09 = Identifier Code (999999995) Box 32a
Segment N3 - Street Address
Example: N3*Box 123~
- Element 01 = Street Address (Box 123) Box 32
Segment N4 - City, State, and ZIP
Example: N*PHOENIX*AZ*850030000~
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