This article dives into the specifics of a Secondary Payer submission and assumes that you know how to read an EDI (837) file. If you are looking for a general outline of an EDI and how to read the basic structure, please see: How to read an EDI (837) File - Overview.
We will be using the following sample EDI file to break down this loop.
When you submit a claim to an additional payer, 4 loops are added:
- Loop 2300 - Claim Information
- Loop 2320
- Loop 2330A
- Loop 2330B
- Loop 2400 - Service Line Information
- Loop 2430
Loops 2320 - Other Subscriber Information
Segment SBR - Subscriber
Example: SBR*P*18*93774*Silver*****CI~
- Element 01 = Previous Payer Responsibility (P)
- P = Primary
- Element 02 = Relationship to Insured (18)
- 01 = Spouse
- 18 = Self
- 19 = Child
- G8 = Other
- Element 03 = Policy/Group Number (93774) Box 9a
- Element 04 = Plan/Program Box 9d
- Element 05 = Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) code
- 12 = Working Age
- 13 = End-Stage Renal
- 14 = No-Fault Including Auto
- 15 = Workers Compensation
- 16 = Public Health or Federal
- 41 = Secondary Black Lung
- 42 = Veterans Administration
- 43 = Disabled Under 65
- 47 = Other Liability is Primary
- Element 09 = Plan Type
- 12 = Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- 13 = Point of Service (POS)
- 14 = Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO)
- 16 = Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Medicare Risk
- AM = Automobile Medical
- BL = Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- CH = Champus
- CI = Commercial Insurance Co.
- DS = Disability
- FI = Federal Employee Program
- HM = Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- MB = Medicare Part B
- MC = Medicaid
- OF = Other Federal Program
- WC = Workers' Compensation Health Claim
Segment AMT - Amount
Example: AMT*D*62.50~
- Element 01 = Qualifier Code - Hardcoded to D for Amount Paid
- Element 02 = Monetary Amount ($62.50) Box 29
Segment OI - Other Information
Example: OI***Y***Y~
- Element 03 = Provider Benefits Assignment Certification (Y)
- Element 06 = Release of Information Code (Y)
Loop 2330A - Other Subscriber Name
Segment NM1 - Name
Example: NM1*IL*1*SPEARS*BRITNEY****MI*C8342837464~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to IL for Insured
- Element 02 = Hardcoded to 1 for Person
- Element 03 = Last Name (Spears) Box 9
- Element 04 = First Name (Britney) Box 9
- Element 05 = Middle Name/Initial Box 9
- Element 07 = Suffix
- Element 08 = Identification Code Qualifier
- MI = Member ID
- Element 09 = Identification Code (C8342837464)
Segment N3 - Street Address
Example: N3*398 W STAFFORD RD.~
- Element 01 = Street Address (398 W Stafford Rd.)
- Element 02 = Street Address 2
Segment N4 - City, State, and ZIP
Example: N4*THOUSAND OAKS*CA*91361~
- Element 01 = City (Thousand Oaks)
- Element 02 = State (California)
- Element 03 = ZIP (91361)
Loop 2330B - Other Payer Name
Segment NM1 - Name
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to PR for Payer
- Element 02 = Hardcoded to 2 for Organization
- Element 03 = Payer Name (UnitedHealthcare Community Plan)
- Element 08 = Hardcoded to PI for Payer ID
- Element 09 = Identification Code/Payer ID (E3457)
Loops 2430 - Line Adjudication Information
Segment SVD - Service Line Adjudication
Example: SVD*E3457*62.50*HC:97124:GP**1~
- Element 01 = Identification Code of Payer (E3457)
- Element 02 = Monetary Amount ($62.50)
- Element 03-1 = Hardcoded to HC for Standard CPT Code
- Element 03-2 = CPT Code (97124)
- Element 03-(3-6) = Modifier (GP)
- Element 03-7 = Description/Line Note
- Element 05 = Quantity (1)
Segment CAS - Claim Adjustment
Example: CAS*CO*45*10.00~
- Element 01 = Group Code (CO)
- CO = Contractual Obligation
- PR = Patient Responsibility
- OA = Other Adjustment
- CR = Claim Reversal
- PI = Payer Initiated Reduction
- Element 02 = Reason/Remark Code (45)
- 1 = Deductible
- 2 = Coinsurance
- 3 = Copay
- 45 = Contracted Rate
- 253 = Sequestration
- Element 03 = Monetary amount ($10)
DTP - Date
Example: DTP*573*D8*20180718~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to 573 for Remittance Date
- Element 02 = Format - Hardcoded to D8
- Element 03 = Date YYYYMMDD (2018/07/20)
Segment AMT - Amount
Example: AMT*EAF*2.50~
- Element 01 = Hardcoded to EAF for Remaining Client Liability
- Element 02 = Monetary Amount ($2.50)
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