What is it?
Box 4 is where the insured's full name is entered as Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial, separated by commas.
In Application:
Note: To make this change permanent, you must update this information directly in WebPT. Otherwise, the next time you save in WebPT, the information entered there will flow over and overwrite any changes you've made.
To manually change the insured's name:
- Navigate to Clients > Client List.
- Edit the desired client using the
- Edit the corresponding insurance card using the
- In the Demographics section, enter the information into the First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name fields.
- Select Apply Edits.
In WebPT:
To manually change this information:
- Navigate to the desired patient's chart.
- Select Patient Info.
- Click the
icon for the corresponding insurance entry.
- Use the Next button until you get to the Policy Information screen.
- Use the Insured Party drop-down to make a selection.
- If an option other than Self was chosen, select the Next button and enter the information for the Insured Party.
- Use the Next button until you reach the final screen and select OK.
- Click Save Patient.
EDI File:
Loop 2010BA, Segment NM103 (Last), NM104 (First), NM105 (Middle Initial).
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