When you switch from a different billing application, you will often have clients with an outstanding balance. There are two types of balances that a client can have:
- Positive/Outstanding - Client owes you money
- Negative/Credit - Client has overpaid or has paid for future services
Important: Balances for services that are currently open to insurance should not be entered into the application. These A/R balances should be worked in your old system.
Positive/Outstanding Balances
If your client has a positive Balance Forward, then you will need to enter this as a session in the application.
- Create a Session Class for Balance Forward. When creating the class, be sure to check the Ins Not Billable parameter. For information on how to create a session class, please see: Session Class.
- Add a Session with the following options. For more information, please see: Add a Session/Charge.
- Initially bill to: Client.
- Session class: See Step 1.
- Service Code: Any custom code of your choosing (i.e. Balance Forward).
- Charge: The Balance Forward amount.
Whenever you create a Client Balance Statement, this charge will be listed with the Session Class and Service Code that you created. This will allow the client to understand the where the charge amount originated.
Negative/Credit Balances
After all session in your old system have been balanced, you should enter any remaining client credit into the application. You can enter each client's credit as one lump sum or individuals payments depending on your preferences.
- Navigate to Payments > Enter Payment > Batch Client.
- Locate the client using the Client Name field.
- Enter the applicable information into the New Payment fields.
- Select Apply payments.
- If entering payments individually, repeat Step 3+4.
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