The client portal is an add-on feature that allows you to let your patients log in to Therabill and access information about their account within your clinic. For example, the patient can see previous and upcoming scheduled visits. Furthermore, from the scheduling page in the client portal, the client can send you an indication that they will (confirm) or will not be able to attend (cancel) future visits. This article will explain how the patient can confirm or cancel upcoming therapy visits.
IMPORTANT: This article will refer to cancelled sessions. You will need to be using session classes for canceling your sessions to have sessions show up as 'cancelled'. Click here for video instructions on using session classes to cancel your sessions.
The Scheduling Page in the Client Portal
Your patient can reach the scheduling page by clicking Scheduling in the top navigation bar of their client portal. They will then see the page as shown in the image to the right. This page gives them the ability to view past and upcoming therapy appointments. They can change the date range using the Date Range text boxes at the top left. For each scheduled visit in the list, the patient will be able to see the date of the appointment, the start time, the rendering provider and the location. At the far right for each appointment line, they will also be able to see the status of the session.
For past date(s) of service, the status will be one of the following:
- Completed: Indicates that the session was confirmed by you (or your clinic). When you confirm the session within your Therabill account you are indicating that the session took place. This will show as completed in the client portal.
- Cancelled: If you are using session classes in Therabill to indicate cancelled sessions and you edit the session to a cancelled type session class (click here for information on cancelled sessions), then the session will show as cancelled in the status column in the client portal.
- Confirm/Cancel option: If the patient has not yet indicated confirmed or cancelled, then they will be given the option to either confirm or cancel (see confirm / cancel option below).
- Patient confirmed: If the patient has indicated that they will attend, then the status will show patient confirmed (see Patient Confirmed / Pending Cancel below).
- Pending cancel: If the patient has indicated that they will not attend, then the status will show pending cancel (see Pending Confirmed / Pending Cancel below).
Confirm / Cancel Option
If the client has not yet indicated that they will be attending (confirmed) or that they will not be able to make it (cancel) for a specific visit date then they will be given two buttons. A green confirm button and a red cancel button (see image above, right).
If they click confirm, then the session will be marked internally in Therabill as Client Confirmed.
If they click the cancel, then the session will be marked internally in Therabill as Client Cancelled. They will see the alert shown to the right telling them that it is still their responsibility to call in the cancellation. The session will be shown to them as pending cancel until you officially cancel the session from within your Therabill account by changing the session class to a cancelled type session class.
If you want to turn off the ability for the patient to cancel the session, please see: Turn off Patient Cancel Session.
You will also receive an e-mail at the email address that you have on file under Admin in Therabill letting you know of the client's intention to cancel the session.
Patient Confirmed / Pending Cancel
If the patient has indicated that they will attend, then the status of the session will show as patient confirmed in their client portal. If the patient has indicated that they will not be able to attend the appointment, then the status of the session will show as pending cancel. For both patient confirmed and pending cancel, there will be a blue change link next to it. The patient can click the change link to change their confirmation/cancellation status. Clicking the change link will simply remove their current selection and restore the green confirm button and red cancel button (see image at top right of this page).
NOTE: If a patient has previously indicated that they will not be able to attend the session (the status says pending cancel) and they click the change link to remove this status. You will receive an e-mail at the e-mail address that you have on file under Admin in Therabill letting you know of their 'Un-cancellation' request.
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