When you need to post an insurance payment and there are not any additional payers, (i.e. Secondary), you can use this screen.
If there is an additional payer responsibility, you must post manually entered insurance payments using COB Batch Ins in order for claims to be accepted. For more information, please see: COB Batch Ins.
Important: You cannot post unassigned payments or any client payments using this screen. After the insurance payment has been posted, you will have to use Batch Client. For more information, please see: Batch Client.
Note: This article refers to manually entering payments. This is not for Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) posting. To learn more about posting an ERA, please see ERA Payment Posting.
Posting Payments
- Navigate to Payments > Enter Payment > Batch Ins. Near the top of the screen, you will see 5 tabs. The Ins Pmts will be green indicating you are on the Batch Ins payment screen.
- Enter the insurance company's name at the far top right. Once you select the insurance from the drop-down menu, all sessions that are currently open to that insurance company will be listed and separated by client. If you would like to only view service lines for a specific client, use the Insurance Company drop-down and select Client. Note: When filtered by Client, you have the option to view all service lines with a balance, regardless of status.
- Enter the received payment information. Not all fields are required.
Total Amount Amount of the payment Pmt Method Check, EFT/ACH, Credit Received Date Also known as the Post Date Check Date The date of the payment Check Number Enter the check number for better reporting Deposit Date The date funds were deposited Insurance Company If you searched by Client, you will have to indicate who the payment is from - Each line will list the DOS, CPT code, Provider, Billed amount, Payments already posted to the line, and the Balance remaining on the line. Indicate the payment, adjustment, and action for each service line corresponding with the EOB.
Class If you use payment classes, select that here. There is one for the payment and one for the adjustment. Pmt Amt The amount paid on that specific service line Adjust The amount the payer is reducing the charge by Session Action What do you want to do with the service line after the payment is posted? (i.e. Resubmit, Close Session) - Once all information has been entered, click Apply payments. At this point, a check will run to verify that the payments add up to the Total Amount, a Session Action has been selected for all lines with payment information entered, and that the New Balance on each line will not be negative.
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