Whenever a payment is changed or deleted in WebPT, the information is transmitted to the software as an alert under the Things To Do section.
There are four alert types you can encounter.
- Payment Amount Was Changed
- Payment Was Deleted in WebPT
- Payment Details Were Changed
- Payment Does Not Match
The payment information that is sent from WebPT includes the Patient Name, Payment Amount, Payment Method, Authorization or Check Number, Description, Date of Service (DOS), and the Date of Transaction. The Date of Transaction will be listed as the Post Date. Information that is not included with the WebPT payment includes the provider and the facility.
If the payment was unassigned, and only the Pmt Amount or EMR DOS is changed, it is updated automatically. For all other scenarios, including when a payment is assigned to a service line, it will create a Payment Updates in WebPT Detected alert under Things To Do on the dashboard.
When you open the alert, you will be presented with a list of all payments that have been updated. They will list the Edit Date of the payment, the original Posted date, the Client name, and the EMR DOS. The rest of the columns will reflect the new payment information, including the Payment Method, Check/Auth number, Copay information, Description, and Payment Amount.
Payment Update Layout
When you open an update using the icon, you will be presented with a Payment Information Update window. The basic layout is the same for all scenarios, but you will notice some minor differences. The layout can be split into 2 sections.
Payment Information
This section outlines the original payment information followed by the updated details. The areas that have changed will be displayed in red.
Review & Reconcile
This area will appear differently based on the situation. Simply put, areas in red require your attention.
There are 4 different types of payment updates. Each scenario is explained below.
Payment Amount Was Changed
Let's say you collected a copay, but accidentally posted the amount as $50. You have since changed it to $40. The application wants to know how you want to handle the funds. Using the amount listed as Reassign Amount, you will need to indicate how much you would like to apply in the red boxes. In this example, you are given the option to apply funds to one service line and the client's unassigned balance. The Original column will inform you what amount you had originally applied to that line.
After you have entered values into the boxes that total the Reassign Amount, you can click Apply. You do have the option to Ignore Update, but that is not recommended in this case. You always want your client payments to reflect the same in both systems.
Payment Was Deleted in WebPT
If a payment is discovered to be entered in error or that payment was refunded, you would delete the payment in WebPT. The application needs your approval before deleting the payment. The ReassignAmount will be listed as 0.00 and you will not be given text boxes to fill out. You will either need to Accept Delete or Ignore Deletion. It is not recommended to ignore the update, because you want your balances to be equal in both systems.
Payment Details Were Changed
For example, if a payment was entered as Credit, the Auth number would be included in the payment information. Let's say you refunded that client because they decided to pay with cash. In WebPT, you change the Payment Method and decide to enter a new description. You will notice that the Reassign Amount is 0.00 and the Reassigned column is already filled in for you. This tells you that the payment amount was not changed. However, you can reassign the funds if desired.
You will notice that several of these fields have drop-down menus that were present in prior examples. Each field that has been updated in WebPT will have this drop-down menu where you can select to use the original or new information. The red box around the first line represents what the original payment information was. The arrow is pointing to the new information. You then have the option to Apply the changes or Ignore Update.
Payment Does Not Match
If the application cannot determine what payment the changes correspond with, you will get this error. This is often the case when you delete a payment directly out of the system, instead of through WebPT. This can also occur when you originally entered a payment of $0 into WebPT and later changed the amount. You will have no choice other than to Ignore Deletion or Ignore Update. Steps are also included on the screen on how to manually check if there is a corresponding payment using Payments > Search Payments.
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