Certain customizable features of Therabill allow you to create your own content. For example, you can customize the text of your custom databases based on the situation in which it is used. Within your custom content (for example, custom database item), you may want to use placeholders (for example, you may want to include the client/patient name) and have Therabill replace the 'placeholder' with content when the custom message is used. To do this, you would insert dynamic placeholders within the text.
Placeholder format
In the simplest form, an example of a placeholder might be {{client.full_name}}, which is a placeholder that will be replaced with the clients full name (first name last name). But to really understand how to use placeholders, it is best if we detail the anatomy of the placeholder.
The placeholder is enclosed in double brackets '{{' and '}}'. The contents of the place holder consist of up to three items. The placeholder type (i.e. client, session, provider), the placeholder content (i.e. date_of_service), and CSS (cascading style sheets). The general format is shown below.
{{placeholder_type.placeholder_content css}}
What is CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and can be used in situations where the output (the custom message) is going to be rendered in HTML (basically, web page format). If you are familiar with website design, you may already know CSS. If you are not familiar with CSS, you may want to ask someone with web development/design experience to help, otherwise, you probably shouldn't use any CSS in your placeholders.
In a nutshell, CSS allows you to apply formatting. For example, if you were to enter font-weight:bold;font-size:13px, then Therabill will apply that formatting to the text (or item).
When can CSS be used?
CSS can only be used when the output will be rendered in HTML. If you enter CSS on the placeholder, and the item is not being rendered in HTML, then Therabill will ignore the CSS. This means that you are free to put in the CSS, as it will not break anything if it is used inappropriately.
Hello John Doe, we would like to remind you of your upcoming appointment on 1/1/2013 at 11:00AM.
However, to make this message in to a generic macro, you could enter the text as follows.
Hello {{client.full_name}}, we would like to remind you of your upcoming appointment on {{visit.date_of_service}} at {{visit.start_time}}.
In the above example, the placeholders are indicated by using {{, along with the placeholder type followed by a period and then the placeholder content. It is entered in the format {{placeholder_type.placeholder_content}}. Therabill will then replace valid placeholders with the actual information.
An example withCSS
The clinic logo placeholder has optional parameters that you can use to set the width and height. The clinic logo placeholder may look like the example shown below, where we set the width and height.
{{clinic.logo width:250px;height:100px}}
IMPORTANT: The optional parameters are only used when the output will be created in HTML. If the output is not rendered in HTML, then the formatting cannot be applied and will be ignored.
Where do placeholders work?
Placeholders are a relatively new feature of Therabill. As time goes by, we foresee placeholders being used in a variety of places. However, we have to start small. Below is a list of places within Therabill where placeholders can currently be used. Check back over time and you should see this list grow.
In the list below, if the item is listed with the tag [HTML], this means that you can use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
- Custom Database Items
- Fixed/Instructional Text in your note templates [HTML].
- Fixed text of the fill in the blank fields on the note template.
Keep in mind
When creating custom messages, always keep in mind the context of what type of object the message is being triggered by. You can think of the placeholder type as an object in Therabill. Therabill has several objects: the client object, the session object, the rendering provider object, etc. Objects in Therabill can be associated with other objects. For example, a session object is linked to both a client object and a rendering provider object.
Borrowing from our example above, a reminder is being triggered by a session object. Since a session object is linked to a client object and a rendering provider object, when setting up a custom reminder message, you can use placeholders from all of those objects. However, if the type of object that is triggering your message is a client object, then you cannot use session placeholders (a client object is not associated with a single session object).
Clinic / Billing Provider Placeholders
Clinic placeholder are drawing information from your member information. The placeholder type must be set to clinic. Below is a list of all placeholder content for the clinic placeholder type.
- name: will be replaced with the business name you have entered under Admin in Therabill if a business name is entered, otherwise, it will be replaced with your first and last name that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- clinic_name: will be replaced with the business name you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- first_name: will be replaced with the first name that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- last_name: will be replaced with the last name that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- full_name: will be replaced with the full name (first and last name) that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- npi: will be replaced with the clinic's NPI that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- taxid: will be replaced with the clinic's Tax ID that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- taxid_type: will be replaced with the type of Tax ID that you have entered under Admin in Therabill (EIN or SSN).
- street: The street address that you have entered under Admin in Therabill (address line 1 and address line 2).
- city: The city that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- state: The state that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- zip: The Zip code that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- phone: The phone number that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- email: The e-mail address that you have entered under Admin in Therabill.
- logo: will be replaced with your logo that you have uploaded in to Therabill. This should only be used when rendering in HTML. Keep in mind when use CSS that it will be entered as an '<img>' tag.
Example of use: {{clinic.full_name font-weight:bold;font-size:10pt;}} is located in {{clinic.city}} {{clinic.state}}
Client Placeholders
Client placeholders are drawing information from the client/patient. The placeholder type must be set to client. Below is a list of all placeholder content for the client placeholder type.
- full_name : will be replaced with the patients first name and patients last name.
- first_name: will be replaced with the patients first name.
- last_name: will be replaced with the patients last name.
- middle_initial: will be replaced with the patients middle initial.
- street: will be replaced with the patients street address.
- city: will be replaced with the patients city.
- state: will be replaced with the patients state.
- zip: will be replaced with the patients Zip code.
- phone: will be replaced with the patients phone number.
- email: will be replaced with the patients e-mail address.
- gender: will be replaced with the patients gender (male or female).
- his_her: will be replaced with either his or her based on the patients gender.
- His_Her: will be replace with either His or Her based on the patient gender (this is uppercase and can be used for the beginning of a sentence).
- he_she: will be replaced with either he or she based on the patients gender.
- He_She: will be with replaced either He or She based on the patients gender (this is uppercase and can be used for the beginning of a sentence).
- him_her: will be replaced with either him or her based on the patients gender.
- Him_Her: will be replaced with either Him or Her based on the patients gender (this is uppercase and can be used for the beginning of a sentence).
- record_number: will be replaced with the patients medical record number assigned by Therabill.
- post_it: will be replaced with the current post it note you have entered on the client.
- age: will be replaced with the patients age in years and months (Example of output: 17 years 11 months).
- birthday: will be replaced with the patients birthday.
Example of use: {{client.full_name}} is {{client.age}} old and lives in {{client.city}}, {{client.state}}
Visit Placeholders
Visit placeholders are drawing from the session information. The placeholder type must be set to visit. Below is a list of all placeholder content for the visit placeholder type.
- date_of_service: will be replaced with the date of service of the session. Example: {{session.date_of_service}} = 1/1/2013.
- start_time: will be replaced with the start time of the session. Example {{session.start_time}} = 11:00AM.
- end_time: will be replaced with the end time of the session. Example {{session.end_time}} = 11:30AM.
- duration: will display the duration of the visit in minutes. This is calculated based on the start time and end time entered on the visit.
Example of use: Patient has a scheduled appointment on {{visit.date_of_service}} at {{visit.start_time}}
Rendering Provider Placeholders
Rendering provider placeholders are drawing from the provider information. The placeholder type must be set to provider. Below is a list of all placeholder content for the provider placeholder type.
- full_name: will be replaced with the providers first name and last name.
- first_name: will be replaced with the providers first name.
- last_name: will be replaced with the providers.
- taxonomy: will be replaced with the providers taxonomy code.
- prof_abbr: will be replaced with the providers professional abbreviation.
- credentials: will be replaced with the providers credentials.
- npi: will be replaced with the providers NPI.
- street: will be replaced with the providers street address.
- city: will be replaced with the providers city.
- state:will be replaced with the provider state.
- email: will be replaced with the providers e-mail address.
- phone: will be replaced with the providers phone number.
Example of use: {{provider.full_name}} has an NPI of {{provider.npi}}
Supervising Provider Placeholders
Supervising provider placeholders are drawing from the provider information. The placeholder type must be set to supervisor. Below is a list of all placeholder content for the supervisor placeholder type.
- full_name: will be replaced with the supervising providers first name and last name.
- first_name: will be replaced with the supervising providers first name.
- last_name: will be replaced with the supervising providers
- taxonomy: will be replaced with the supervising providers taxonomy code.
- prof_abbr: will be replaced with the supervising providers professional abbreviation.
- credentials: will be replaced with the supervising providers credentials.
- npi: will be replaced with the supervising providers NPI.
- street: will be replaced with the supervising providers street address.
- city: will be replaced with the supervising providers city.
- state: will be replaced with the supervising provider state.
- email: will be replaced with the supervising providers e-mail address.
- phone: will be replaced with the supervising providers phone number.
Example of use: This session was supervised by {{supervisor.full_name} {{supervisor.credentials}}.
Referring Physician Placeholders
Referring Physician placeholders are drawing from the referring physician information. The placeholder type must be set to referring. Below is a list of all placeholder content for the referring placeholder type.
This placeholder type can only be used when a client is being used in the context of the message and the client has a referring physician entered on the add/edit client form in Therabill.
- full_name: will be replaced with the referring physician first name and last name.
- first_name: will be replaced with the referring physician first name.
- last_name: will be replaced with the referring physician last name.
- credentials: will be replaced with the referring physician credentials.
- npi: will be replaced with the referring physician NPI.
- street: will be replaced with the referring physician street address.
- city: will be replaced with the referring physician city.
- state: will be replaced with the referring physician state.
- zip: will be replaced with the referring physician Zip code.
- fax: will be replaced with the referring physician FAX number.
- email: will be replaced with the referring physician e-mail address.
Example of Use: {{client.full_name}} was referred to our facility by {{referring.full_name}} {{referring.credentials}}.
Advanced (Action Placeholders)
These action place holders cause specific actions. It is up to you to use these in the proper context. We will supply some guidance.
Reminders Action Placeholders
These place holders are special to email reminders (not available at the time of this writing, but will be available in the near future).
- patient_confirm_button: this will make a button that when clicked will bring them to a Therabill page where they can confirm or cancel the session (NOTE: You must have the setting in Therabill set to allow them to cancel session, otherwise, they will not be giving the option to cancel the session). Example: {{session.patient_confirm_button}
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