The goal progression fields in Therabill's custom documentation allow you to track the status of your goals. That is, when you enter a goal for a patient, you can enter their goal status. The units for the goal are ambiguous, but they are often entered as a percent or as a count (e.g. 5 out of 10 times). You decide when creating the goal what units you would like to use.
On the goal progression field, you can enter their current status to track their progression towards the goal over time. Entering the current status is just a matter of typing in a value into the Current Status text field on the goal in the documentation. Sometimes, when testing a goal, you may want a counter. A counter allows you to count positive hits in your trials (testing the goal). This is where the Goal Status Counter / Ticker may come in handy.
The Goal Status Counter / Ticker
The goal status counter / ticker allows you to simply enter a +1, 0, or -1 value for each trial. The counter will then keep track of the number of trials and put the calculated result into the current status for you. Here is how it works...
When you have goals loaded into a goal progression field on one of your note templates, each goal listed will have a Curr Status text box located at the top right (see image to the right). This is where you can enter the current status of this patient's progression towards this goal. Under the Goal Met check box, you will see a link labeled Counter/Ticker (highlighted by red arrow in image to the right). Clicking this link will open up the counter/ticker for this goal. NOTE: You can have multiple counters open for multiple goals.
Once you click the counter/ticker link, you will now see something like the image to the right. This is the counter/ticker. We have added colored rectangles to the image to highlight specific areas and help explain what they do.
The counter consists of a score and number of trials. The score is the number of positive outcomes. The trials are the number of attempts. The current status can be displayed as either a count (the score) or as a percent (the score divided by the number of trials * 100). The counter/ticker will automatically fill the value in to the Curr Status text box for your goal.
Using the Goal Counter / Ticker
Show as Percent/Count (red rectangle in image to the right)
As mentioned, the counter / ticker will load the current status text box. Here is where you can tell it how to load the status.
- Percent: This will be the score divided by the trial count times 100.
- Count: This is simply the score (the number of positive values).
The Score and Trial Count (blue rectangle in image to the right)
The current score and trial counter are visible in the score / trial count text boxes (blue rectangle in image to the right). You can change these manually at any time and the current status will update as you change it.
The Counters (orange rectangle in image to the right)
The counters are a convenient way for you to create the status as you perform a test. When one of the buttons are pushed, the trial count will automatically increment by one and the score will increment by the value shown in the button.
- +1: This will increase the score by 1 and increase the trial count by 1.
- 0: This will leave the score as it is and increase the trial count by 1.
- -1: This will decrease the score by 1 and increase the trial count by 1.
Closing the Counter / Ticker
To close the counter / ticker, click the red X at the top right of the counter / ticker. IMPORTANT: If you close it and re-open it, the score and trial count will start over. However, you can manually change the score and trial count if needed.
How Do I Start Over?
The score and trial count text boxes can be manually changed to whatever values you want. If you want to start over, simply change them each to 0.
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