What is the note template store?
Therabill allows members to create custom note templates using our easy to use note template designer. This powerful feature allows you fine control over what your note templates consist of. You can even create extensive databases and link them to fields within your note template. This custom note template feature has traditionally been a big selling point of the Therabill solution. Understandably, some therapists and clinics would rather not spend the time to build their own note templates. The note template store will allow members who have created nice note templates to either give them away or sell them to other members.
Uploading a note template to the store
You can upload a note template that you have created to the store through the note template designer. Only the account owner can upload a note template and place it for sale in the note template store. If when following these directions, you do not have the option to upload the note template to the store, then make sure you are logged in as the account owner (this is the username and password you created when you signed up for Therabill).
To get to the note template designer, click Schedule in the top green navigation bar and go to your Month View in your calendar. At the top right of the month view calendar, click Manage Note Templates to open up the note template designer.
Uploading a specific template to the note store
You can only upload one note template to the store at a time. Within the note template designer, go to the note template (using the drop down menu at the top left) that you would like to upload. Make sure you are viewing the note template that you would like to upload to the store and then click the store icon at the top right of the note template designer. In the drop down menu, choose Upload this Template.
STEP 1 - Agree to terms
When the upload to store dialog first opens, you will need to agree to the terms (see image to the right) by initialing each text box. You must initial these text boxes using the initials of the account owner. Your name (as it is entered in Therabill) is listed at the top of the form. Enter the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name (as your name is entered in Therabill). The terms and the explanation is listed below.
- Responsibility of Content: You are agreeing that you are responsible for the content (including liability of containing Protected Health Information) of the note template and that you agree that the content is appropriate, relevant and ready for sale in its current state. By ready for sale in its current state, we mean that the note template will be entered into the store as is at the moment you uploaded it. Once you upload it to the store, any future modifications you make to the note template will not automatically update the note template in the store.
- Residuals and Payment: This term verifies that you know how you will be paid for your note template (if you are selling the note template). Your account will be credited for any sales during the month. For more information, please see: How do I receive payment for selling my note template? You are also agreeing that if you stop using Therabill, your note template will remain in the store and you forfeit any rights to payment for the note template. You are also agreeing that you are aware that Therabill will mark up your selling price by 25%. This 25% goes to Therabill. For example, if you sell your note template for $10.00, then the actual purchase price will be $12.50. You will receive $10.00 and Therabill will receive $2.50 on any sale of the note template.
- Protected Health Information: When creating note templates for yourself, you may have entered patient names or other protected health information. This term is indicating that you have removed any protected health information. Especially look out for fixed text, instructional text and databases which commonly have patient names entered in them.
- Forfeit of rights: You are agreeing that, by uploading your note template and selling it, you are forfeiting any copyright that you might claim to that note template. Other members will be able to download it and modify it. NOTE: Anybody who purchases your note template will never be able to sell that note template (even after making modifications to it).
Once you have initialed all of the terms, click the Next button at the bottom.
What if I do not agree to the terms?
All terms must be agreed to in order to sell the note template in the store. If you do not agree to any of the terms, then we cannot place your note template for sale in our store.
STEP 2 - Create the advertisement
After you agree to the terms, it is now time to create your advertisement. The create ad dialog will appear as shown in the image to the right. Creating a good advertisement is essential for making the note template store easy to use. The information you supply in the advertisement will help members find your note template. NOTE: Advertisements that are misleading will result in your note template being removed from the store. Below is a description of the information you must supply to create your advertisement.
- Selling Price: Therabill allows you to choose a selling price (Free, $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, $30.00, or $50.00). For help with deciding on a selling price, please see: Setting a selling price for my note template.
- Ad Header: This should be short and descriptive. This will be the main title that the buyers will see. An example might be Speech Evaluation or Arkansas Medicaid Daily Note.
- Keywords: Keywords will help people find your note template. Separate multiple keywords using a comma. Think of keywords that buyers interested in your note template will be searching for. IMPORTANT: Do not be misleading with your keywords. It helps no one if your note template shows up in searches where your type of note template is not what they are looking for. Remember, being deceptive or misleading may result in your note template being removed from the note template store.
- Profession: Choosing a profession will help people find note templates that meet their needs. If your note template is specific to Physical Therapy, then choose Physical Therapist. If your note template will be useful across all professions, then choose Not specific to a profession.
- Description: This is the meat and potatoes of your advertisement. Give a good description of what your note template is used for and what it consists of. Include information about any databases that you might be including with your note template.
In general, remember that other members will be selling note templates and some of these note templates may be similar to yours. Being descriptive in the advertisement will help your note template stand out.
Once you have created your advertisement, click the Next button at the bottom. If you do not have any databases associated with your note template, then your note template will now go for approval (see STEP 4 below). Otherwise, go to STEP 3.
STEP 3 - (optional) Choose databases to share
If any of your note template fields are tied to databases that you have created, then you will encounter a third step. Therabill will now show you a list of all databases that you have associated with fields in the note template (see image to the right). Put a check mark next to each database that you would like to share the contents of. By checking a database, all of the entries that you have in that database will be shared (you are also selling the database contents).
Watch out for Protected Health Information
Databases often have patient names inadvertently inserted in to them. We recommend that you do not directly enter patient names in a database, instead, use dynamic placeholders within your database entries. For convenience, you can click on the database name to open up the database and review and/or edit the database entries.
Confirm there is no Protected Health Information
To proceed, you will need to check the checkbox at the bottom (red arrow in image to the right) to verify that you have double checked the database for any protected health information.
STEP 4 - Await Approval
All note templates must be approved by Therabill prior to being placed in the note template store. Once you submit your note template, it will be reviewed within 1-4 business days. Once approved, your note template will then be available within the store.
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