When you print your documentation to PDF, Therabill automatically puts header information on the note. This information will always include client name, date of service, rendering provider, referring physician etc. Some of the header information can be controlled by you. For example, do you want your clinic address to show in the header or not. Maybe you want the start and end time of the session to show.
The settings are for individual note templates
You can control the header individually for each of your note templates. For example, when you print a daily note, you might want to include the CPT codes associated with that date of service, however, when you print a plan of care you might not want them printed.
How to edit the header settings for an individual note template
You will first need to open up the note template designer. You can get to the note template designer by clicking the Manage Note Templates (see image to the right, circled in red) link at the top of the month view calendar NOTE: You must be logged in under an admin account to edit the note templates.
You will now be at the Note Template Designer. At the top left of the Note Template Designer, you will see a blue link labeled Edit Names or Remove Templates. Click the link labeled Edit Names or Remove Templates. You will now see a list of all your note templates. Each note template will have an edit icon associated with it. Click the edit icon associated with the note template that you would like to edit the settings for.
The template settings
You will now see the edit template settings form (see image to the right). Use this form to apply the settings that you want for the note template. IMPORTANT: Remember to click the Save button at the bottom of the settings form to apply your changes.
- Form Name: This is the name of the note template as it will appear to the therapists in the drop down menu when they are choosing which note template to use.
- Display Name: If you would like a title for the note to show up at the top of the note template when printed, enter the name here. If you leave it blank, then a title of the note will not be displayed when printed.
- Form Type: Let Therabill know what type of document this is.
- Include rendering provider signature on finalized printed note. If this option is selected, then when the note is finalized and printed (and you have an image of the providers note signature on file), then it will be displayed on the printed note.
- Include co-signatures on printed note. If this option is selected, then if any other therapist has cosigned the note, those signatures will show up on the printed document.
- Include client signature box on printed note. If this option is selected, then Therabill will put a signature box on the printed note for the client (the client name will be under the signature box).
- Include referring physician signature box on printed note. If this option is selected, then Therabill will put a signature box on the printed note for the referring physician. IMPORTANT: The client must have a referring physician on file (on the add / edit client form) in order for the referring physician signature box to appear.
Print Settings
- Print logo, clinic name and address in header. This will basically create a header with your logo, name and address.
- Do not print my address in header. You can choose this (along with the option above) to show your logo and clinic name but leave your address off the note. This is good for those solo practices that are headquartered at home.
- Print client insurance ID's. Therabill will list each of the patients insurance companies along with the insured's ID of those insurance cards in the header.
- Print session CPT/Service codes. Therabill will list the service codes associated with the session along with the AMA medium description of the CPT code.
- Print client diagnosis codes. Therabill will list the patients diagnosis codes.
- Print time in / time out information. Therabill will print the start time and end time of the session along with duration in minutes.
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