A recurring session is a session that occurs following a pattern. For example, every Monday, or the first Friday of every month. Therabill allows you to enter a session in a recurring way.
Adding a Recurring Session
A session is set up as a recurrence when adding a session. The date of service of the session that you are entering should be entered as the first date that you want in the recurrence. For example, if you were going to set up a recurring session on every Friday starting on 5/6/2012, then you would enter the date of service of the session on the add session form as 5/6/2012. This is the starting date of the recurrence.
On the right of the add session form (see image to the right) there is a Current Recurrence area. At first the recurrence link will be set to No recurrence entered (see image to the right, red arrow). To make the session that you are adding a recurring session, click the link labeled No recurrence entered. This will open up the recurring session form (image to the right, bottom).
The Recurrence Form
End recurrence on is the date that you would like to end the recurring pattern on. This date must be after the date of service of the current session you are adding in order to create a recurrence. If you know the discharge date of the patient, you should enter it. If you do not know the discharge date, then go ahead and estimate it. You can always add more sessions later or delete the tail end off of the recurrence.
Pattern Type allows you to choose from different recurring pattern types. You can choose a recurring pattern type by clicking the radio button to the pattern type. The pattern type that you choose will determine what is displayed to you on the right, where you set the parameters for the recurring session.
- None: This removes the recurrence. There will be no recurrence set up if you choose this option.
- Daily: This option includes options such as every day or every week day. If choosing the every day option, an extra parameter can be set to indicate every day or every 2 days.
- Weekly: This option gives the ability to set up the recurrence on a certain day of each week (for example, every Monday). This option includes a parameter to set the weekly pattern from every 1 week to every 2 weeks (biweekly). You can also select multiple days of the week by clicking on multiple days (for example, click on M and W and F to set the recurrence to every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Monthly: This option includes recurrences such as the the 3rd of every month (set by Day 3 of every 1 month) or an option to set the recurrence on (for example) the second Wednesday of every month.
Once you are done entering the recurrence parameters, click the Save Recurrence button at the bottom of the recurrence form. You will now be back on the add session form. The link that was originally labeled No recurrence entered will change to display the recurring pattern that you have set up. If you need to change it before you save the session, click the recurrence link to open back up the recurrence form.
Saving the recurrence
Click the save button at the bottom of the add session form. This will save the session and enter a session on every date in your calendar following the recurring pattern that you set up. Each session in the recurrence will be entered with all of the information that you had entered on the add session form (for example, start and end time, service codes, charge amounts).
Once I have added a session, can I change it to a recurring session.
It is not possible to change a session that you have already entered in to a recurring session. If you have already added a session and you want to change it to a recurrence, you would need to either 1.) delete the session and re-enter it or 2.) start the recurrence by adding a session on the next date that you would occur in the recurring session.
Once I have added a recurring session, change I change the recurring pattern type?
Once you have added a recurring session, you cannot change the recurring pattern type (for example, if you added a recurrence on every Monday, you cannot edit the recurrence to every Tuesday). You would need to delete the tail end off of the recurring session at the date that you want to make the change in the recurrence and then add a new recurrence starting on that date.
Additional Information
- Video: How to delete a recurring session in Therabill
- Article: Editing a recurring session in Therabill
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