Session Buckets can be used to track and organize your sessions. This can be useful if you want to follow-up on sessions at a later time. You also have the ability to set an alarm on each bucket.
Note: Adding a session to a bucket does not remove it from your reporting, invoicing, or payment screens. It is simply a designation.
Create a Bucket
- Navigate to Schedule > Buckets.
- Select Add Session Bucket.
- Enter a Name and, if desired, a Description.
- Click Save Session Bucket. The bucket will now appear in your list.
Bucket Actions
Once a bucket has been created, you have 4 actions that can be done on this screen:
- View Contents - Click on the number under Sessions to display all sessions that are in that bucket.
- Alarm - Use this icon to set up an alert. For more information, please see: Alarms.
- Edit - Use this icon to change the bucket name or description.
- Delete - Use this icon to remove the bucket. This will not delete any sessions that are currently in the bucket.
Add a Session to a Bucket
You can add a session to a bucket from 4 different screens:
- Calendar on Dashboard
- Billing > Bill Insurance
- Payments > Enter Payment > COB Batch Ins
- Payments > Enter Payment > Batch Ins
When on one of these screens:
- Select the icon.
- Select the bucket you want to add the session to.
- If you want to create a new bucket for this session, enter the Name and select Create.
- You can add a description later by going to Schedule > Buckets.
View/Edit Bucket Content
Besides viewing bucket items from Schedule > Buckets, you can also access the buckets from your Dashboard. Any bucket with sessions will display on the left-hand side under Session Buckets. Simply click on a bucket's name to open it.
View Bucket Window
When you have a bucket open, you have 3 options:
- Select Bucket - This drop-down allows you to easily switch what bucket you are viewing.
- Edit - Selecting this icon will open the Edit Session window.
- Delete - Selecting this icon will remove the session from the bucket. It will not delete the session from the system.
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