There are several options you can select for your Agency Balance Statements to make them reflect as little or as much information as desired.
First, navigate to Billing > Bill Agency > Balance Statement and click the Settings button. A new window will appear. Let's break down each section of this window.
Basic Settings
Below are the recommended settings to ensure that all service lines show on a statement. If you ever want to provide a clearer statement that only shows lines with a balance, simply check the Balance Due box.
Show Tax ID: This will cause your Tax ID to generate on a statement.
Show NPI: This will populate your clinic NPI on the statement.
Session Length Units: WebPT Daily Notes are based on Units, so ensure this is also set to Units.
Do not show sessions...: If any service line has a 0.00 amount in a field that corresponds to a checked item in this list, that line will be hidden.
Hide Unassigned Pmts: If the agency has payments that have yet to be assigned to a service line, you can hide them from the statements.
Add Write Off to Adjustment Amount (Do Not Use): This feature is no longer available.
Remit Address
The street address of your clinic will be auto-populated into this section. There are 6 lines provided where you can add a phone number or even an email address.
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