This feature allows you to write off all or part of a client's balance when in the Client Payment screen.
Navigating the Screen
- From the Batch Client screen, click the Write-Off button to display the Account Write-Off screen.
- The Search Criteria section can be used to specify a DOS Range, Service Line Status, Session Class, or Write-Off Reason for the client you are viewing. You do not need to complete this section to apply the write-off to the client balance. The Write-off Reason drop-down is used to view lines that are already written off.
- Use the DOS checkboxes to indicate which line items you want to work on. Checking the box next to DOS will select all the DOS listed.
- The amount entered into the Write-off Amt field is automatically totaled for you.
Apply the Write-Off
- To apply your write-off, select a Write-Off Reason.
- The Write-Off Date will automatically populate today's date, feel free to change it as needed.
- The Write-Off Amt column will automatically populate the balance left on the DOS. Enter the amount you would like to write off if it is different from the amount shown.
Note: As you begin to enter in amounts, the total Write-Off Amount next to the Write-off Date, as well as at the bottom of the Write-off Amt column, will fluctuate to reflect the new amount.
- Click the Apply Write-Off button.
The indicated balance on the selected lines are added as adjustments and reflected as such in reports. Additionally, they can be viewed on the Write-off Balances report.
Restore A Balance
When the Restore Balance button is clicked, any amount that has been applied as a write-off is removed from the DOS. Only the adjustments that are listed as a Write-off when entered will be removed, not insurance adjustments.
- In the Search Criteria section, select the Write-off Reason in the filter box. The service line(s) will then be removed from the table as they should no longer meet the filter requirements.
- Click Restore Balance to remove the write-off amount from the DOS.
Note: The selected service line(s) will be given a status of Closed. The reversal of the adjustment(s) are recorded in the Activity Log.
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